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Combining the elements of engineering, math, and science, we are excited to build on excellence in robotics. Each year, Team 1826 “The Fuse” has competed in the VEX Robotics Competition. Over 20,000 teams from 40 countries compete during the season at thousands of regional, statewide, and national tournaments to be among the elite that qualifies for the VEX Robotics World Championship each April. The Fuse Robotics Team has a long and successful history of competing at the highest levels of VEX Robotics, qualifying for the World Championship in 9 of the last 11 years.

How VEX Competition Works

In the VEX Robotics Competition, teams of students are tasked with designing and building a robot to play against other teams in a game-based engineering challenge. The VEX competitions are always played on a 12' x 12' field, but the scoring objects and rules of the game are changed every year. This system keeps things fresh and presents students with ever-changing engineering problems to solve. Classroom STEM concepts are put to the test as students learn lifelong skills in teamwork, leadership, communications, and more.

Qualifying for VEX Worlds

The Fuse robotics team has qualified for VEX Worlds 9 times since 2009 and has been a Colorado State Championship Finalist multiple times in other years.  We are excited to continue this legacy at Forge!

Awards and Honors

2015 VEX Worlds – Division Champions, 3rd Place Overall 

2016 US Nationals -2nd Place Programming Skills 

2016 VEX Worlds – Create Award Winner – (Awarded to the team that demonstrated the most highly creative and ambitious engineering solution to the design challenges of the season's game)

2017 VEX Worlds – Division Finalists 

Season top 30 in the world in programming skills three years in a row (2015 – 2nd, 2016 – 11th, 2017 – 19th)