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House Watchman

House Watchman is named after Watchman Nee, a Chinese church leader and Christian teacher who worked in China during the 20th century. His evangelism was influenced by the Plymouth Brethren. After receiving Christ as his Savior, he dedicated his entire life to serving God. His decision was an immediate surrender to give up his life plans for the Lord’s. Although some of his time was spent preaching to a large church of 5,000-7,000 people in Shanghai, the main result of his work was the founding of hundreds of house churches throughout China. These groups were centered on Bible study, witnessing to neighbors, and fellowship. The goal for his readers was that they would “give themselves wholly to God and become a useful person in His hands.” Following the communist takeover of China, Watchman Nee was arrested in 1952 for the sake of the gospel where he would be falsely condemned, judged, and sentenced to live the rest of his days in confinement.

House Watchman is represented by the color purple, the symbol of a tree, and the 3 main values of being Surrendered, Loyal, and Vigilant.